Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving, and never mind the burnt potatoes

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!  As I write this, Boy C is in his crib letting me know he is not ready for bed yet and Girl C is beside me having herself a lovely tea party in the tub.

We spent our holiday with some in-town friends who can't go out of town due to medical reasons, so we had them over for a noon(ish) meal.  We had your standard fare - turkey, stuffing, corn, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, and sweet potatoes.  But the mashed potatoes almost were not.  Had Papa B not been paying attention, I would have burned the kitchen down in spectacular fashion.

Let's rewind to yesterday and get this story started:

Papa B took Girl C to go see Frozen.  She was SO excited, and she'd been talking about it for days.  I know, because I heard about it every five minutes.  They head to the theater and Boy C goes down for his nap leaving me about 1.5 glorious hours to clean and prep for Thanksgiving.  It was truly a thing of beauty, this time to myself.  On my list of things to do was wash, peel and cut potatoes.  Easy.  Mission accomplished.  I put them all in the pressure cooker and put the lid on and put it in the fridge for tomorrow.  Tomorrow comes, and I take the pot out (which has the lid on the pressure cooker) to come to room temperature before I cook it.  Now, if you've never used a pressure cooker, or even cooked potatoes ever, you may not yet have recognized my error.  If you have, I'm sure you know where this is headed.  I put them on the stove, fire up the burner and wait.  WITHOUT WATER IN THE POT.  Papa B sniffs the air and asks if something is burning.  I nonchalantly tell him it's probably something on the burner.  He says, uh, no, there's smoke coming from the pressure cooker and did you even put water in here?

Shit, I didn't.

So, thanks to Papa B's presence and quick thinking, I not only didn't burn the kitchen down, but we were able to rescue the potatoes and serve them!

Monday, November 25, 2013

I'm really not this funny in real life.

Or, Blog - the Resurrection.

On Facebook I always have people telling me how funny I am.  But I really don't think I'm that funny.  I mean, I can capture humor in 140 characters or less, but I really don't think I'm that profound.  I guess I'm as profound as the next girl on the internet (and there's a LOT of girls on the internet, doing, uh, un-profound things...).  I hear all the time, "You should start a blog!"  And my little inner voice laughs a little because I do have a blog.  I just lack the dedication and time to write.  And when I post these profound things on Facebook, I don't see how I can develop them into a meaningful, insightful, and profoundly funny blog post.  And therefore, you get my musings about whatever has struck me at the time.  By the time I think about what I would say in such a post, life has happened as it is wont to do, and my idea has gone out of my head, replaced by someone's need to find her Blankie, or a cat horking up a stick of butter onto the living room carpet, or a baby needing to be fed or changed.

So, I have decided to resurrect the blog and try to make a dent in my little corner of the interwebs.  Hopefully, I'll be dedicated and will amuse you all with the current goings-on at Beer Run farm (and there's lots!!)

Happy Internetting, y'all!