Tuesday, February 18, 2014

An insight into how my mind works. A small, small insight.

If I am going to the grocery store or to Target, I usually have a list.  That sounds normal enough, right?  But i can't just sit down and make a list.  It's an ongoing process that starts immediately after I leave the store from the last trip.  Because I've inevitably forgotten something.

If my list includes 3 items or less, I'm great.  I don't need a list.  But as soon as you add that 4th item, something gets bumped from the initial 3 item list.  And thus the cycle of forgetfulness/multiple trips begins.  Maybe this is a sign I should have 3 children or less.  I'll forget one or two.  

How I combat this is lists.  I have a program on my phone that allows me to make a list or a checklist.  The latter is a lifesaver because I can actually SEE what I've picked up (and checked off the list) and put in my cart as opposed to the simple list version.  If I don't cross it off, I forget something.

But the making of the list is a week long process sometimes.  Like I said, I usually forget something and if it can wait until next week, it becomes item number one on next week's list.  As I putter around the house, something will pop into my head that I need.  If I don't document this RIGHT NOW, guess what happens?  Yep.  It gets forgotten.  Along with my phone list, I have a dry erase board on my fridge so Papa B and I can write down items.  Usually I just take a picture of this white board list instead of transfer to my phone list.

So, there are a lot of ways I can forget things.  And I do.  But I'm getting better about consolidating my lists in their various forms be they digital or analog.

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