Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Who we are

I got asked the question on a message board I frequent (frequent? Oh, heck, I live there!) if I use aliases when blogging.

I do, I guess. If you called out, "Hey Mama B!" on the street I would likely not turn around. Probably because I would think you are crazy and having a mental episode and I want to get away from you.

Once the little parasite arrives I will probably assign them a cutesy-wootsey internet nickname and call it that. Which, by the way, should make an appearance in just about 20 weeks. So, I'm halfway there! Woo! I got my first belly rub and positive identification as pregnant from a co-worker who works on a different floor. Which made me feel great! Because that means I don't look fat - I look pregnant!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The bowl of DEATH

Life on Beer Run Farm has it's menagerie of animals. Papa B got Brown Dog when he first moved out to the farm (well before I waltzed into the picture). She was a cute little 6 pound fawn pit bull puppy with a fat belly full of worms. And she smiles. Yes, really! She will greet you with her teeth bared and tail a-wagging. It can be a bit disconcerting, especially to those who have never met her before. All they see is teeth with a 60 pound dog attached to them. But right behind those teeth is a tongue that will lick you to death if you let her. Papa B didn't do so good on the personal space aspect of her training. Now, at 7 years old and a baby on the way that is something we are working on.

I digress.

She has had fantastic socialization and I think she is the kind of dog where, had she not been trained and socialized as much as she was, she could have been a shy/insecure dog. She's outgoing, friendly, loves people and other dogs.


The weirdist things completely mess her up. Moved a piano into her house and immediately started playing? No problem. Replace her well-loved napping couch with a waterproof crib mattress (and thus eliminating the smell - genius move on my part)? Bring it on! Replace her dog bowl? OH MY GOD RUN! THE NEW DOG BOWL WILL EAT ME ALIVE! She cowers, ducks, and shakes at this new bowl. And she hasn't eaten a substantial meal for 2 days. Now, I figure our dogs have won the doggie lottery having us as owners. 10 acres, a pond to swim in, their on mattress for a bed and ground raw venison added to every meal. Yes! Fresh meat everyday! What's not to love? But still she avoided the bowl.

Until this morning. I took the bowl off the placemat that I had so lovingly put on the floor for Brown Dog's dining enjoyment and comfort. Breakfast was served.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Rain is a good thing

So Papa B had a 'manly farm project' on Sunday. We already have one rain barrel set up, but we have a large water tank that was not being used for anything at the moment, so he decided to plop it onto a flatbed trailer, back it up to the house and reroute the gutter downspout.

Sounds good, right?

It does, if you don't care that the down spout extends about 7 feet from the house to reach the tank and is being supported by plastic milk crates and duct tape.

Please pray that it rains enough that the 300 gallon tank will fill up quickly and this contraption will go away.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Things are sprouting!

And I don't just mean the garden! I'm starting to show a little, which I like to think it better than people looking at me sideways wondering if I'm fat or pregnant.

The garden is actually looking really good. Luckily, it's been rainy and we haven't gotten plagued with those damn stink bugs that eat everything and yet nothing eats them. We harvested one row of greens and canned them as well, so now Papa B will have lots of roughage come winter. Me, I'm not a greens fan, but I will happily can for him. I really hate the smell, taste, and texture of them, so I don't interact with them other than canning. There our relationship ends. The other day I mentioned that my cousin had recommended cheese to help mask the taste. So Papa B puts a slice of American cheese on his and starts shoving a spoonful toward my face. Not a cool thing to do to your pregnant wife, PapaB, not cool. I may try some heavy cream, butter and parmesean cheese later if I'm feeling adventurous. What better way to make one of the healthiest foods on the planet edible than to add lots of salt and fat! Whee!