Monday, January 23, 2012

It's not like there aren't any MAPS on the internet.

Beer run farm is starting to look a little like a used car lot. We have 5 cars on our property at this very moment. We caved at the end of 2011 and bought a minivan. Therefore, we had a surplus of at least one car - my Toyota Highlander. Damn I loved that car.

We also have a manly Dodge Ram 2500, and a Lexus GS400. Both sweet rides in their own right.

We decided to sell the Highlander and the Lexus to put toward the payments on the new van. My mode of choice is Criagslist. Free, easy to use, and reaches a large audience.

Large and stupid audience, I've been quick to find out.

In the ad, it is CLEARLY marked what city the vehicle is located. Now, the internet houses many things. One of which is a site that allows you to look things up. It's called Google (or Yahoo or Bing - name your engine). People email me all interested in the cars, asking questions about the condition, the mileage, cloth vs. leather interior, etc. Then, when we get down to making a time to come see the car, they ask, "Where is [blank]?"

Dude, seriously? I have several problems with this question. Namely, you're on the internet where there are millions upon millions of pieces of information available to you. One of which being a map that will clearly indicate where this car is located. The second being - do you really not know the geography of your own state?

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